Friday, 4 April 2014

09632104985 @ AMU Medical Entrance Exam 2014 Application Form


AMU Medical Entrance Exam 2014 Application Form- The Aligarh Muslim University Medical application form 2014 is available from February 13, 2014. The interested MBBS and BDS aspirants can fill the AMU Medical Entrance Exam 2014 Application Form in the online format available at the official website. The last date of AMU Medical Entrance Exam 2014 Application Form is March 22, 2014. Candidates are advised to take the print out of PDF generated application form on A4 size paper and sent it to the admission office on or before March 22, 2014.

Key Highlights of AMU Medical Entrance Exam 2014 Application Form is given below
Candidates are advised to read the important information and follow guideline as mentioned in information brochure of AMU Medical Entrance Exam 2014 before filing up the online application form
Ensure that you have a valid and unique email address before you start a form filling process
Fill all the relevant and mandatory fields given in the AMU Medical Entrance Exam Application form 2014
Candidates are advised to take the print out of PDF generated application form on A4 size paper and sent it to the admission office on or before March 22, 2014
Candidate must put their thumb impression, signature and paste recent passport photographs at the designated place on the AMU Medical Entrance Exam Application form 2014
Attach the Demand Draft or bank Challan of Rs. 500 as examination fee along with other relevant documents with the application form
There will be a Combined Admission Test for admission to MBBS and BDS. Candidates applying for MBBS can also apply for BDS on the same AMU Medical Entrance Exam Application form 2014 without paying additional examination fee. Candidates have to indicate their choices in order of preference in the application form
Candidates are advised to retain a photocopy of their filled in form for future reference
Candidates submitting the AMU Medical 2014 Entrance Exam Application form by post must put the printed application form along the documents in A 4 size envelope and paste the postal slip on the envelope before posting it
Acknowledgement slip will be given for application form which is submitted by hand only.  Candidates who send AMU MBBS 2014 Application form sent by post can see their application status on the website

The enclosure to be attached with AMU Medical Entrance Exam Application form 2014 before sending
Candidates must attach original Demand draft with their application form. They are advised to write their name, date of birth, course of study and transaction ID on the reverse of demand Draft
Self attested copy high School/Secondary School certificate in support their date of birth. In case the result of qualifying exam has not been declared at the time of applying they must submit their attested photocopies of mark sheet of examination passed in the preceding year
Self attested copy of mark sheets of all other examinations passed after passing High school till the date of applying
NOTE: Incomplete application form, application form received late, application form requisite fee and not supported with the required certificates and documents will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Demand draft for AMU Medical Entrance Exam Application form has to be made in favor of Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh payable at Aligarh.

Bank Challan From State bank of India, AMU Branch, Aligarh

AMU Medical Entrance Exam Application form should be sent to following address through registered post to the address given below
Admission Section,
Office of the Controller of Examinations,
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh – 202002

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